
The demo of this template is currently running with joomla 3.9.10 / php 7.2

In the package, you have :


I don't provide any quickstart install so your website will be all white at the beginning. Don't worry. Read this manual and follow the steps in the next paragraph "How to obtain the Home page of the demo ?"

To customize the appearance of your website, read carefully the paragraph "Module positions" and "Module class suffix".
And before launching your website, I recommend you to verify the result in all screen resolutions. It's simple : resize the window of your browser and look the difference. To adjust the result, you have some important options in the section "General --> Responsive" in Template manager".

How to obtain the Home page of the demo ?

Template Settings

You can access to the template manager with the top menu : "Extensions --> Template Manager --> joomspirit_135 "

With "joomspirit_135" template, you can set a lot of parameters. All the details here.

Module Positions

These are all the module positions available, except the positions "image" and "video" (if you want display a slideshow or a video on the right side) and the position "debug" in the footer.

Note : the position "image-text-top" and "image-text-bottom" are special : you must use them only to display a text on a side and an image on the other side.

Example for the "address" position : go to the module manager and create a new module with the option "custom html". Write your address or/and copyright and choose the position "address".

How to display your logo and slogan ?

You have 3 possibilities :

How to configure your menus ?

The dropdown menu (main menu):

To use it, you must select your main menu in module manager and enter these settings :

  • Module position : "menu"
  • Always show sub-menu items : "yes"
  • No Module class suffix

Note for mobile devices : the type of all parent items must be "external url" (don't use the type "text-separator"). Choose the type "external url" and enter the character # in the url field :

Options in Template manager for the Main menu(section "Header --> menu") :

  • You can change the font, size and color
  • You can display the first level of submenu in 1, 2 or 3 columns.
  • You can change the space between each parent items : I recommend you to resize your browser to check the result just before the mobile layout. If the menu is displayed in 2 lines (too much menu items or logo too long), you can decrease the space between each parent items.
  • You can disable / enable the button "menu" fixed when you scroll in small screen.
  • You can disable / enable the submenu open on click in small screen.

Bottom menu

To use it, you must select your menu in module manager and enter these settings :

  • position : "bottom_menu"
  • Always show sub-menu items : "no"
  • No Module class suffix

Note : you can use only 1 level of links with this menu.

Additionnal horizontal and vertical menu

If you want display a second menu in the content part, you can choose almost 22 differents possibilities.

Click here to read all the details in the demo page with some examples.

Note : All these menus work without javascript code (pure CSS : no risk of conflict with another extension !).

Is it possible to display a slideshow on the right side ?

Yes of course. You must download the responsive slideshow on my website.

Install the module and edit it :

Compress your images

I recommend you to compress each image with a ratio of 65% in JPEG optimizer.


You can find a lot of possibilities to create a beautiful website. I explain all that in the demo :

Module class suffix :

Options for displaying your modules in the "left", "right", "top", "bottom" or "user" positions :

Note : If you choose a background color , the color of module title is always White or Black.

Note : You can enter several Module class suffix. Example "shadow color-green badge-top title-centered min-height-400px"

Extra Module class suffix for mobiles

For faster mobile-friendly development, use these utility classes for showing and hiding content by device. More details here

How to enable / disable the button "contact" on the top right corner ?

This button is active if you publish a module with the position "contact1", "contact2" or "contact3" or if any part of the section "Address, contact" in Template manager is active.

So if you doesn"t want use this feature, go to the Template manager, section "Address, Contact" and disable these parts.

How to display a Google map under my contact details ?

You must install the module "google_map" include in the package and publish it in the position "contact3". I added the Module class suffix "min-height-350px" in my demo. More details in the section "How to display a Google map ?" below.

Is it possible to customize this part or use it for another purpose (login per example) ?

Yes it's possible. You can use the module position "contact1", "contact2" and "contact3" as you want.

Is it responsive ?

Yes you can choose when the module position "contactX" will be inline. This option is in Template manager, section "general --> Responsive"

Tip : No content box

This is the procedure :

Its's all !!

How to display a video on the right side ?

I include this module in the package. It's very simple and work only with the video from Vimeo or Youtube.

Thank you very much to peterambertravel to share this amazing video.

Note : I recommend you to choose a video with the format 16/9 to obtain a better result.

Note : I recommend you to choose Vimeo because there isn't any publicity.

How to configure the Video module ?

How to display a Google map ?

I wanted a module very easy to use. So I choose to display the standard Google map and you can create it in less than a minute !

How to publish your google map ?

How to obtain the URL of my Google map ?

In the "simple Google map" you must enter the URL of your map and only that.

Go to the Google maps

Choose your location and click on the "parameters" icon :

In the new window, copy the URL and paste it on your Joomla module :

note : you must create a google account to add a marker


The template is build with Bootstrap 3.1.1.

Extensions in the demo : Hikashop, Kunena forum and JComments

These extensions aren't include in the template. If you want use one of them, I recommend you to install and use my free themes for these extensions.

Tips and customization

Create several themes for your website : don't forget the option "Menu assignement" !

This option is available for all modules and templates. It's a very powerful option and I recommend you to use it !

With this option, you can published a module or a template only on selected page(s). And you can duplicate any module or template.

So if you want modify the settings of your template only on few pages, it's possible and very easy with this option.

Tip : How to center all the text of an article and / or add a background color for your article area ?

To obtain that, You must edit the menu item of this page and add the page class of your choice (section "Page display") :

Of course, you can add a multiple Page class. Example : " text-centered color-brown"

Tips for the user modules

In the template manager, you can choose the width for user1 and user2. The width of user3 automatically adjusts.

So, if you publish only one user module : publish user3 (for a width of 100%).

If you publish two users module : publish user1 and user3, or user2 and user3.

Search field

In the template manager, you can choose to hide / show the Search field in the footer (section "General").

How to obtain the page Category blog ? articles in 2 columns with the images

Firstly, you must create some articles with the same category.

In each article, I display an image with an hover effect and the text below.

I explain how to obtain that in this page. Example, this is the code of my "Article one" (you must disable the wysiwyg editor) :

Now you have created your articles, so you must create your new menu item in Menu manager. Choose the menu type "Category blog" and look my settings in the section "Blog layout" to obtain 2 columns :

How to add a new Google font in Template manager ?

In this example the code is : Playfair+Display+SC:400,700italic

How to add an icon before a menu item or before an article title ?

Click here to see the details of Font Awesome.
Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles.

Tips for your images

By default, a border is added around all your images in your articles. You can disable this option in the section "General" of Template manager.

If you want add this border only on specific images, disable this option and add the class "js-border" in the HTML code of your image.

If you want remove this border only on specific images, enable this option and add the class "no-style" in the HTML code of your image.

Customize the template

You can put all your custom CSS code in the file "css/custom.css".

Photos credits

In this demo I use some photos with the licence Creative commons zero from Akairom (Flickr) and Unsplash. Thank you !


To continue to offer affordable prices, I decided to display a soft Copyright in the bottom right corner to increase awareness of the site JoomSpirit.

This does not affect your site, but if you want remove this link, you must edit the file "index.php" and delete this code line 868 :

<?php echo $js ; ?>

If after reading this manual you need help >>> Contact us